Title: Love and Other Things I'm Bad At
Author: Catherine Clark
Publisher: HarperTeen; Original edition (July 26, 2011)
Length: 592 pages
Series: Courtney Von Dragen Smith #3
Format: paperback
Description from Amazon:
What’s a girl to do when there are two guys who seem like The One?
Just when Courtney has found the Best Boyfriend Ever (aptly named Grant Superior), she has to leave him to go to college, because apparently the universe doesn’t want her to be happy. Now that she’s three states away, what’s going to happen to her Superior relationship? And what about that cute guy she works with at college? No, not him. Him. Definitely getting in the way with his cuteness. But not distracting Courtney enough to make her stop wondering what exactly happened between Grant and her best friend, Beth, back home. Why can’t dating be as easy as eating a healthy vegan diet? Not that she’s ever managed that, either, but still.
Will Courtney ever figure out how to get this love thing right?
My Thoughts:
It was only after I read this book that I learned it was part of a series. However, most readers will be able to understand/pick up on the characters and their situations.
~The Characters
Courtney is hilarious. She is an almost always vegetarian who lives in cow land, goes to a small college who's offensive initials are CFC while trying to maintain her long distance relationship with the love of her life...Grant Superior. I have to admit she is one hard character to pin down. Sometimes I loved her and wished she was my friend, while other times I was wondering why she was holding my interest. Courtney is wishy-washy, a smidgen self absorbed, slightly whiny, and at the end of the day has a good heart. Then you have Grant Superior. I liked the guy. He isn't the most swoon worthy of YA men, but he was likable. That's about all there is to say about him.
~The Heart of the Matter
LAOTIBA is written in the diary form of Courtney. Normally diaries aren't that readable to me, but this one was more like a story with the occasional funny/smart alek interjection. So, as most diaries go there is a lot complaining. I must admit that this book did frustrate me at times. Courtney's whining self pity did get a little aggravating. It seemed as if she wasn't happy unless things went exactly the way she wanted them to. However, the funny antics of everyone in the book slightly made up for Courtney's whine fests. Another thing that helped the book is that these characters are in college. In my humble opinion there is a sever lack of "YA" books out that target the 18-23 year olds or what I like to refer to as the transitioning inbetweeners.
This is a great summer read. Love and Other Things I'm Bad At is a light, fun, and fluffy read. When looking for a book with no moral story, hidden meaning, or life lesson...look no further. If you have a reading crave for something full of romantic drama, quirky characters, and the just plain strange... give this a try. I give this book a 3 STAR rating.
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